How might we grow engagement and number of users on Booster’s Discord community?

Booster is an open-source framework from The Agile Monkeys that enables developers to create event-sourced services with minimal code.


  • Stakeholder interview

  • Survey on Google forms

  • Moderated user interviews (30 minute, 1:1 sessions)

  • Competitor analysis of similar products’ features + community channels

My role: UX researcher helping to build a better product and community

Have used Booster


How often check Discord

Participants were gathered from the screener survey, which asked a series of questions about themselves, their familiarity with Booster’s framework, and experience using Booster’s Discord channel.

Key insights

Key insights

After conducting the user interviews, I synthesized the data to uncover key insights. The following themes emerged:

  1. Discovery of Booster: The way that participants discovered Booster tells us about the popularity and discoverability of the product, including willingness to join the Discord

  2. Discord channel as a platform: The different ways Discord is used and perceived

  3. Public relations for Booster: The ideas that participants had about choosing a tech product and how marketing/PR could boost discoverability

Discovery of Booster

Key insight 1: Users only found Booster after searching for this type of framework specifically or stumbling upon it

Recommendation: Increase Booster’s # of mentions in blogs and forums

Key insight 2: Interactions with Booster team are very positive

Recommendation: Decrease barriers to access (to Booster team) by requiring users to introduce themselves in Discord and implementing a welcoming Rules section

Key insight 3: Booster is doing well in SEO and marketing, the problem is finding out about Booster in the first place. Participants enjoyed the “Create your own Booster app in 10 minutes.”

Recommendation: Continue to improve website with blog updates, use cases, and walk-throughs, then apply SEO strategy for discoverability

Discord channel as a platform

Key insight 1: Users did not consider Discord a strong platform for community

Recommendation: Consider conducting a poll to determine whether Discord delivers functionality for community building

Key insight 2: Users will only use Booster’s Discord if they have a specific question or issue

Recommendation: Experiment with creating more targeted engagement on Discord by creating channels for jobs, resources, and “just for fun” – for two week sprints

Key insight 3: Users are mostly interested in product/version updates

Recommendation: Create a strategic pipeline for quick email updates that feeds from Booster’s blog once a month

“Making a technology choice is a risk, there’s no going back. A company needs to build [a potential user’s] trust.”

— User interview participant

Public relations for Booster

Key insight 1: Choosing a tech framework and product can be a big decision for a company/developer

Recommendation: Provide examples and use cases on the Booster blog of previous successful product roll-outs

Key insight 2: Trust and reputation are important when choosing a product

Recommendation: Start doing more intentional, targeted promotion of Booster by updating blog and then getting featured on Y Combinator’s Hacker News, etc.

Key insight 3: Growing the use and knowledge of Booster will naturally increase engagement on Discord

Recommendation: Draft a public relations plan that includes this pipeline to help people discover Booster

Recommendations 💡

To grow community engagement on Discord…

  • Create a public relations plan for Booster to increase visibility and gain clout, which is needed for developers to “trust” a product. Team can start by implementing a strategy where updates to the framework are written about on the blog, and then disseminating it on social media and Hacker News

  • Improve usability on Discord channel so when people do join, they tap an emoji to access the “rules” and know exactly what is expected of them and what they’re gaining from the community (resources, connections, and opportunities) rather than just a place to ask questions


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